Lolipop - purely functional Raft implementation

Lolipop is a basic implementation of Raft algorithm using a purely functional approach. It is effect agnostic meaning user can choose your own effect type (eg. cats IO, Future, ZIO)

It does not support the following feature (todo)

  • Dynamic membership
  • Log compaction


Lolipop is rather minimal, users need to implement several interfaces to be able to use it, below are interfaces that are required

1. Implement StateMachine

Raft algorithm is used to implement a replicated state machine, represented by StateMachine in our code.

StateMachine is application specific, it manages the State that we are trying to reach consensus for. It could be as simple as an Int, or it could be a collection of documents.

Below is a sample implementation, there are 2 method to implement

import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import raft.algebra.StateMachine

case class ChangeCount(i: Int)

val counter: IO[StateMachine[IO, ChangeCount, Int]] = for {
  state <- Ref[IO].of(0)
} yield {
  new StateMachine[IO, ChangeCount, Int] {
    override def execute(cmd: ChangeCount): IO[Int] = {
      state.modify { i =>
        val j = i + cmd.i
        j -> j
    override def getCurrent: IO[Int] = state.get

2. Implement LogIO

Raft algorithm reach consensus by replicating logs in the cluster, and logs are expected to be durable so that consensus are maintain in spite of server crash.

LogIO represent the ability for the application to interact with log files, Lolipop let user to implement this because there are different ways to achieve durable logs (eg. file system, remote database).

Below is an example implemented using SwayDB

import cats.effect.IO
import raft.model.RaftLog

class FileLogIO(db: swaydb.Map[Int, RaftLog[ChangeCount], IO]) extends LogIO[IO, ChangeCount] {

  override def getByIdx(idx: Int): IO[Option[Log]] = db.get(idx)

  override def overwrite(logs: Seq[Log]): IO[Unit] = {
    db.put( => s.idx -> s)).map(_ => ())

  override def lastLog: IO[Option[Log]] = { opt =>

    * @param idx - inclusive
  override def takeFrom(idx: Int): IO[Seq[Log]] = {
    db.fromOrAfter(idx).takeWhile(_ => true).map(_._2).materialize

  override def append(log: Log): IO[Unit] = db.put(log.idx, log).map(_ => ())

3. Implement NetworkIO

NetworkIO represents the two kind of network communication in a Raft cluster, AppendRequestRPC and VoteRequestRPC.

User has to provide their own implementations, here’s an example using http4s (Note: HTTP has relatively high overhead and thus is not recommended, this only serves as a reference)

import cats.effect.Sync
import io.circe.Encoder
import org.http4s.Method._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.circe._
import org.http4s.client._
import org.http4s.client.dsl.Http4sClientDsl
import raft.model._

class HttpNetwork[F[_]: Sync, Cmd: Encoder](networkConfig: Map[String, Uri], client: Client[F])
    extends NetworkIO[F, Cmd]
    with Http4sClientDsl[F]
    with CirceEntityEncoder
    with CirceEntityDecoder {
  override def sendAppendRequest(nodeID: String, appendReq: AppendRequest[Cmd]): F[AppendResponse] = {

    val uri = networkConfig(nodeID) / "append"

    client.expect[AppendResponse](POST.apply(body = appendReq, uri = uri))

  override def sendVoteRequest(nodeID: String, voteRq: VoteRequest): F[VoteResponse] = {
    val uri = networkConfig(nodeID) / "vote"
    client.expect[VoteResponse](POST.apply(body = voteRq, uri = uri))

4. Implement PersistentIO

Each raft node need to store some metadata durable, other than logs, the interaction with these metadata is a lot simpler, it’s basic get and put, it is represented by PersistentIO

Here’s an example

import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.concurrent.MVar
import raft.model.Persistent

class SwayDBPersist[F[_]: Monad](db: swaydb.Map[Int, Persistent, F], lock: MVar[F, Unit]) extends PersistentIO[F] {
  val singleKey = 1

  override def get: F[Persistent] = db.get(singleKey).map(_.get)

    * The implementatFn of this method must persist
    * the `Persistent` atomically
    * possible implementatFn:
    *   - JVM FileLock
    *   - embedded database
  override def update(f: Persistent => Persistent): F[Unit] =
    for {
      _   <- lock.take
      old <- get
      new_ = f(old)
      _ <- db.put(singleKey, new_)
      _ <- lock.put(())
    } yield ()

5. Implement EventLogger (Optional)

EventLogger is useful for debugging, it is being used to record important events in a Raft process. There is a JsonEventLogger provided out of the box.

TODO: Provide a slf4j event logger

6. Create `RaftProcess

Once we have the above dependencies, we can build a RaftProcess using methods on RaftProcess object, it requires all dependencies mentioned above, with an additional ClusterConfig, which is a case class containing names of each node

WARNING: ClusterConfig will change once we support dynamic membership

import raft._

val clusterConfig = ClusterConfig("node0", Set("node1", "node2"))

val proc = RaftProcess.simple(

7. Expose raft api to the network

Once you get a RaftProcess, you can do the following

Bind client API to network

RaftProcess exposes RaftApi trait, which contains multiple method that should be binded to network

  • def write(cmd: Cmd): F[WriteResponse]
  • def read: F[ReadResponse[State]]
  • def requestAppend(req: AppendRequest[Cmd]): F[AppendResponse]
  • def requestVote(req: VoteRequest): F[VoteResponse]

User need to route network request to these methods

Here’s an example of exposing methods by http api

    def raftProtocol(api: RaftApi[F, Cmd]): HttpRoutes[F] =
        .of[F] {
          case req @ POST -> Root / "append" =>
            for {
              app   <-[AppendRequest[Cmd]]
              reply <- api.requestAppend(app)
              res   <- Ok(reply.asJson)
            } yield res

          case req @ POST -> Root / "vote" =>
            for {
              vote  <-[VoteRequest]
              reply <- api.requestVote(vote)
              res   <- Ok(reply.asJson)
            } yield res
          case req @ POST -> Root / "cmd" =>
            for {
              change <-[Cmd]
              reply  <- api.incoming(change)
              res    <- Ok(reply.asJson)
            } yield res
          case GET -> Root / "state" =>
            for {
              reply <-
              res   <- Ok(reply.asJson)
            } yield res
    val server = BlazeServerBuilder[F]
        // hook api to HTTP4S

Start the Raft Server

Once the methods are exposed, we can start the raft process, by doing this, raft process will run continuously to check if each nodes are reacheable.

You can start server by calling def startRaft: Stream[F, Unit] on RaftProcess, we typically evaluate the stream in Main class.