February 11, 2023
I’ve spent the past few months implementing https://github.com/qingwei91/inc-scala. It mainly copies idea from https://github.com/janestreet/incremental.
I thought I’d write down the way it works here for future reference.
Think about spreadsheet, where you can define values in terms of other values using expressions, for example say Cell A1 = MAX(Cell A2: Cell C3). Then everytime a cell changes, we need to update other cells that depends on it.
We want to only recompute the absolute minimum (or at least close to), this problem is sometimes called Incremental Computing. Essentially if we express a computation as a graph from Input to output, then if only a subset of input changes, we should only recompute the necessary path and keep the rest the same, thus reducing unnecessary compute.
We can break this solution into 2 phases:
Before doing any interesting computation, we need to build a graph, more precisely a Directed Acyclic Graph that describes our computation.
I opted for a Monadic API, one can create an Input node using Inc.init(???)
then you can use functions that exists on Monad to compose further. Below is an example of expressing quadratic factoring:
import io.incremental._
val a = Inc.init(1.0)
val b = Inc.init(0.1)
val c = Inc.init(-2.0)
val fourAc: Inc[Double] = a.map2(c, (a, c) => 4 * a * c)
val sqrtB: Inc[Double] = b.map2(fourAc, (b, fac) => math.sqrt((b * b) - fac))
val plusSolution = b.map2(sqrtB, (b, sqC) => -b + sqC).map2(a, (top, a) => top / (2 * a))
val minusSolution = b.map2(sqrtB, (b, sqC) => -b - sqC).map2(a, (top, a) => top / (2 * a))
After building a Inc[T]
tree representing the computation, we need to register it to a Stateful Graph so that it can be evaluated:
val graph = StateGraph.init
The addInc method will register the whole tree in the graph, and allow us to update certain input and get data from any point in the node.
Once we have our computation represented as a DAG, we need to evaluate the computation encoded within.
Inside the StateGraph, every node in the Inc tree is transformed into an InternalNode in the graph.
There are a few rules being applied to these internal node:
The nodes are arranged in a way that encodes dependency as order, such that if Node A depends on Node B, then node B will be proceessed 1st. This can be normally be achieved using topology sort, but in this implementation, we followed Jane Street’s implementation that only produce a partial order which is more performant.
It is done by computing height of each nodes, and then put them on a matrix-like data structure, where each row index correspond to a height. The evaluation loop just walk through matrix and compute each node when needed.
This section documents some challenges I faced when implementing it.
Most of the difficulty when implementing this library, comes from the need to support dynamic node. Dynamic node(s) are supported by using FlatMap operator, essentially the graph can decide to dynamically produce inner graph, this inner graph can be a newly instantiated graph, or an existing sub-graph.
After a few iterations, I settled on a design that models FlatMap as a special type of node that is composed of 3 parts:
This structure allows us to maintain our invariant about dependencies, which says that dependencies are static, ie. once we declare a node to depends on another node, this relationship hold for the rest of the lifetime of the graph.
In this case, it means when a node depends on a FlatMap node, it actually depends on its output node, decoupled from the dynamic-ism of the inner node. This is important as it allows us to not having to update this field, it is immutable.
Dynamic node also gives other problems, a prominent one is the need of dynamic node, an inner node’s height can change dynamically, this has an impact to our evalutation loop, because we need to compute nodes in the right order based on height.
In my 1st implementation, I implemented height as function of dependencies height, the rule is as that a node’s height is the maximum height of its dependencies + 1.
While this is conceptually true, and easy to implement, it is not very efficient, because we call this height method all the time, the cost of this computation adds up. We dont really need to make it fully dynamic, in most cases, height never change, and when they do, we actually know about it, and we can update it.
The final implementation basically just store heights as a variable, and update them in the evaluation loop when needed. This is achieved by tracking all outgoing nodes, so that whenever a node’s height changes, we can push the change to outgoing nodes.
This design has 1 downside, is that outgoing nodes is actually mutable, again, due to dynamicism. A newly created inner node might depends on existing node, it might also mean the previously generate tree is not relevant anymore and shouldnt be in any nodes’ outgoing nodes. So we have more bookkeeping to do with this design.
In the previous section, we already getting a sense of this problem. Yes, its the dynamic node again. When the DAG is generated dynamically, it also means its destroyed dynamically, when a new inner node is created, the previous inner node is not used anymore. If this happen enough times, we will have plenty of nodes stored in our graph that is not used, wasting CPU and Memory.
To properly deal with this, we need to garbage collect them. Note this is not implemented yet, but we have a design for it.
Essentially, we can implement it with Reference Counting, every node tracks no of times its being referenced, and when its no longer being referenced, it is ready to be removed from the graph.
Follow the design we outlined so far, we already have this references info because of the height tracking’s need, it is essentially the outgoing node.
Garbage collection is only relevant when dealing with FlatMap node. Whenever a flatmap node evaluates, we know the references might have changed, we should 1st update the reference of the terminal node of the previous inner tree. Note terminal node refers to node with largest height in an Inc tree, in the case of Flatmap’s inner node, there is 1 and only 1 such node.
The reference update logic work this way:
This way, we will recursively update references of all of the previous inner node, and remove nodes that are not referenced anymore.
This might not be the most efficient algorithm, I think there’s a few way we can optimize it:
I also dont like the fact that it has to traverse the inner tree whenever this happens, maybe we can generate a deference handler whenever we generate an inner tree, such that changing the reference is a more efficient, but it will involves creating a closure on the fly, not sure if that’s much better than the traversing, will need benchmark.